Monday 10 March 2008


The 11th BRAZ-TESOL National Convention “Winds of Change: Teaching for Tomorrow” will be held in Fortaleza, from July 14th to 17th, 2008 at FA7 (Faculdade 7 de Setembro).
A forum for professionals in the field of English Language Teaching, the convention promotes the discussion of theoretical and practical issues related to the teaching of English to Speakers of other languages.
It is a unique opportunity for BRAZ-TESOL members and international colleagues to get together, present their work and reflect on their practices. Renowned specialists in ELT will be leading workshops and delivering papers and plenary talks.
Good news: Deadline for submission of proposals extended!
New date: March 15, 2008
The process for selection of proposals for the 11th National BRAZ-TESOL Convention already is underway. Given the various types of formats (talks, workshops, panel discussions and so on), it is a pleasure to announce that there are slots in the program that are still open. Take advantage of this opportunity and submit a proposal for a presentation that you have always dreamed of giving.
Now is your chance to express yourself, share your experience with colleagues and grow as an ELT professional !
Click here for submission details.

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